Choosing a Mortgage Lender

There are so many borrowing options available today, it can be off-putting when it comes time to choose.  Judging by the volume of television and radio advertisements, internet pop-ups and new storefronts seeking a piece of the market, the numbers of borrowers is on...

Bad Apples: How to Avoid Spoiling the Barrel

We have all heard, and probably used, the “bad apple” idiom at one point in our lives.  You know, the one that goes something like: “All it takes is one bad apple to spoil the bunch.”  There is literal scientific truth to this statement.  A ripening/decaying apple...

For Those Not Convinced the Cold War is Over

Condominium buyers have a variety of potential priorities in mind when hunting for a new unit, possibly a seaside or mountainside location, an urban setting or a loft situation.  A condominium developer in Denver, CO has added a couple of previously unavailable...