It was five years ago today that we moved from the fabulous old brick mill building in North Chelmsford to our fabulous new space in Westford. After a two year search for office space to purchase, Managing Partner Rob Anctil decided on the upper floor of the 35,000sf industrial building at 6 Lyberty Way – the former home of Whistler Radar Detectors.
Paralegal Amanda Luciano recalls working until 11pm the night before the move, packing boxes and keeping the movers on track, not to mention taking a final exam in the middle of the day (of course she graduated with a 4.0 GPA). Pia Anctil, acting as General Contractor, finished the build-out from R&D space to the office in 90 days (!). She remembered that first morning the conference room had only a folding table covered by a table cloth while employees worked at their computers without benefit of a desk. Lying on the floor while typing seemed to be the preferred method of getting the work out. That was on Friday morning but by Monday, the furniture was in place and the seamless transition was complete. Pia extends thanks to the architects at Udelsman Associates in Hollis, NH and the builders at Focus Construction in New Ipswich, NH for their fine efforts.