Perkins & Anctil performs over 500 real estate closings in the course of a year. The staff involved have become quite efficient at carrying out the process and offer a few tips to buyers and sellers on the “Real Estate Law” page of the website. Here is a sample:
Funds: You will need a cashier’s check made payable to yourself for the exact amount listed on line 303 of your HUD-1 Settlement Statement. We will make every effort to provide this amount to you as soon as possible prior to the closing. We also recommend that you bring your personal checkbook in the event that there are any last minute adjustments to be made at the closing table.
Identification: You will need two (2) forms of valid photo identification. A state issued driver’s license and passport are the most common forms used.
Good Faith Estimate: It may be beneficial for you to bring your Good Faith Estimate of closing costs, as provided by your lender during the application process. This will allow you to compare the estimated and actual closing costs.