P&A Employees Give Back to their Community

Leading by example, Charles Perkins, Esq. Cindy Napoli and Robert Anctil, Esq. personally contributed to the 100 Good Men fundraiser held on September 22, 2016 at the Billiards Café in Ayer to support the town of Littleton Alumni Field Maintenance Fund as well as two...

Tiny Houses Gain Traction with Zoning Boards

Houses that are smaller than 500 square feet are frequently disallowed as residences by town zoning boards. A minimum of 150 sf per person is generally required to prevent overcrowding in a building but a new way of viewing this type of construction is emerging....

A Home Buyer’s Checklist

Perkins & Anctil performs over 500 real estate closings in the course of a year. The staff involved have become quite efficient at carrying out the process and offer a few tips to buyers and sellers on the “Real Estate Law” page of the website. Here is a sample:...